Sunday, November 12, 2006

Summer or Winter????

The weather was beautiful on Saturday, which was a blessing after a hard week of classes! In addition to learning about the persecuted church in pre-pentecostal times (before the Holy Spirit), pentecostal times (New Testament Church) , and in the post-pentecostal (present) times, Glenn and I took the opportunity to learn a little more about computers. Since this blogging responsibility falls to me (Cile), I took advantage of an evening blogging class. My daughter (who taught me everything I know about blogging, which is very little, though it is not her fault! She knows how to do so much more than she taught me!) was thrilled when I told her the class was not particularly helpful BECAUSE I ALREADY KNEW HOW TO DO WHAT THEY WERE TEACHING!

Glenn, on the other hand, chose to go the route of a personal tutor who is a whiz on the computer. Debbie is helping Glenn to "clean up" his computer so that it will run more efficiently. He was thrilled when she said he really needed to dump his computer and get a new one to take to Budapest because his is soooooo old. I'm not sure that he learned much more than that he needed a new computer. Smile.

We've been here a little over two weeks, which means it is time for all the guys to have haircuts, Glenn included. Glenn and I discussed whether I wanted to get back into the habit of cutting his hair like I always did in Ivory Coast, or did I want him to spend good money to pay someone else to cut it. I don't love cutting his hair, but if he'd give me $12 to cut it, I might be a little more willing! So, on Saturday, when it was gorgeous weather, we decided to go outside and give him a little trim.

We couldn't decide, scissors or buzz????

We decided on buzz!

After a long week, and the fact that it was so warm and pretty outside, and this was our first FREE Saturday since we arrived, I decided to stay in the sun as much as possible. We had some wonderful quiet time with the Lord in a gazebo down by the lake, took a walk for an hour, and then I set up my little office outside and parked myself there for the afternoon to do some required reading, return some emails, and work on my address book.

My office!

Have a great week!


Senegal Daily said...

Great pictures, Mom! Quite the snazzy buzz cut there, Dad. Like daughter, like mother - haircutting at ILC. :) Hope you guys had a restful weekend. I'm headed to update our blog now, so you can see some of ours. I love you!

The Massons said...

i love reading what you guys are doing! especially since we might be there in a year!! i'm excited about the extra curriculur classes you can take too . . .

Marc and Charity said...

Hey, I've never commented on here before but I could not resist b/c of the hair-cutting picture...I have several pics of Kari cutting my hair on the back 3 times I think?!? :) Charity Verlander

Unknown said...

Love the pics. I like the buzz cut - now Chris and Glenn have father - son haircuts!!

Talk to you soon - Love, Kate