Saturday, May 05, 2012

My worst nightmare came true!

I've been practicing holding babies in preparation for the arrival of my grandson on May 19th (and his parents, Kari and Jonathan).

I went into town to visit with Melissa and got to hold her precious daughter, Ellie.  She is such a beautiful little bundle and sat so contentedly on my lap while her mom and I sipped cups of coffee.  They will be moving to Turkey in August and we will miss them very much.

I loved chatting with Melissa but I've had way too many cups of coffee with white chocolate lately and gained a few pounds.  Because of this, I've had to start seriously exercising to get them off by summer.

I've started jogging again.
For years my worst nightmare has been that while I'm out walking or jogging, I'll suddenly come across a dead body in a ditch.  That's exactly what happened--except it was in the Danube River, and it wasn't a dead body BUT IT SURE DID LOOK LIKE IT!  It was Saturday morning about 9:30 am and there weren't yet a lot of people on the pathway along the river so I was mostly alone.  It was creepy.   My heart pounding, I tried to talk myself out of believing it had finally come true.  Eventually, I was able to flag down a passing biker and ask him if he thought it was a body floating in the river.  He didn't think so, so I decided to believe him.  Of course, Glenn has had a great time teasing me about it!  (I think I know from whom my daughter gets her irrational fears.)

Istvan came for lunch last Sunday after church.  I learned a trick about putting a hole in hamburger patties to make them cook faster and more evenly, and Glenn has practiced grilling them this week.  Oh, yum!

Practice makes perfect;  he has mastered the grilling of the burgers!  More burgers grilled outside and lunch again in the gazebo with David and Tina!

Tina was born in the U.K., and even though she is now an American citizen, she still eats like a Brit.  Brits use their knife to push food on the backside of the fork, and then put the fork in their mouth upside down.  Basically, they use the backside of their fork like we use a spoon!  

Monday was a holiday and I talked Glenn into going into downtown with Istvan to celebrate without me so that I could have the house to myself, no interruptions, and do a little sewing for my grand babies.  It was so nice and quiet, and I finished one of the two outfits, so one more to go before June 2 when I go to the U.S..

Last weekend, one of our TCK's (third culture kids) that graduated last year premiered a movie he wrote and filmed with the help of a few friends and adults in our community.  He has a great love for producing movies and has been accepted to BIOLA University to study film production.  This photo is of the red carpet and the cast members who walked on it as they were being introduced to the audience.  It was a big deal!  His parents hosted a big cast party, and about 75 people came for the showing of the movie.  It was awesome!

We're off again on Monday for a short trip to Serbia.  

1 comment:

Senegal Daily said...

Umm... That is TOTALLY A DEAD BODY!!!!!!