Sunday, December 30, 2012

My last blog update was of our time in America and mostly full of pictures of our beautiful grand-daughter, but now I am back in Budapest wonderfully celebrating Christmas with my adorable grand-son, so get ready for equal time!!!

Kari, Jonathan, and Alec arrived from Senegal on Dec. 21st and we've been going non-stop ever since!    Keep in mind that they came from the desert to 2 inches of snow on the ground and so we scrounged for winter clothes for the three of them.

We got to introduce Alec to snow, which he loves!  However, last summer when he was 1 year old and here in Budapest, we tried to introduce Alec to grass but he didn't like it one bit.  It was hilarious!  Each time we'd try to lower him to the grass, he'd lift his little legs up to his chest.  

Most days we've taken a short walk outside, but there are plenty of toys to play with and tons of books to read inside.  We've had a fire going in the fireplace every day since they arrived.

Glenn and I printed photos of Alec's grandparents, cousins, aunts, and uncles and put them under plexiglass on a kids table we bought from the Eden House when it closed down last summer.  Alec has enjoyed looking at the pictures and we've enjoyed trying to teach him all his relatives' names!

Alec has a nurturing side to him.  He is so sweet!

He loves the plastic food that his cousin, Jazmine, gave him for Christmas and when he opened the package, he had to taste the oranges, pizza, french fries, and tomatoes.    I'm not kidding, Kate.  He loves the food!

Alec rarely slows down, but Glenn got him in a rare mood and was able to read him a book!  

Alec is very curious and loves to touch everything with his hands and his mouth!


Kari made Playdough and Alec has been able to use some children's dishes he got for Christmas from his great-grandfather (Pop).

Another rare moment, and just as precious as the first.   For some reason, Glenn can get Alec to sit still long enough to read a (part of a) book, but he won't for me.    He comes to me to hold him so he can touch each of the light bulbs on the ceramic Christmas tree my mom made for me in 1993.

One day we went into downtown to visit the Christmas market.  Glenn and I kept Alec while Jonathan and Kari took pictures.

We didn't buy anything, but it was fun looking at all the goodies.

When we got home, we had one tired little boy and one contented grandmother.

Aren't they cute together?

Even though we will always remember this trip as when Alec was 17 months old, our second memory will be of the 1000 mandarins and clementines that Jonathan ate while here.  Good thing they are in season!

There are no Burger King's in Dakar, so we always treat K & J to burgers when they come.  Alec likes them too!

We have a great wooden nativity scene that Glenn's mom and dad gave us when Kari and Chris were toddlers that is perfect for little kids to touch and handle without much fear of breaking them.  Alec enjoys sitting on the window ledge and me handing him each piece one-by-one.  He and I go through the pieces at least once a day.   So cute!

We made a trip out to Ikea one afternoon for Kari to buy some things for Alec, using Pop's Christmas money.   Alec did so well during our shopping marathon.

This is a view from our stairs, looking down over Alec playing with his toy food.

It's difficult to fix a meal, bent over a toddler who is pulling everything out of the drawers and cabinets, while sidestepping fingers and toes.  Ah, but he's so cute!

He has musical talent.  He plays the paper towel rolls like no one else.

Glenn wrote a book in 2012 about the meaning of Christmas, with the help of a professional editor, Kari Masson, and Alec and I are looking at the pictures.  It's good.  Can't buy it yet on Amazon, but we'll let you know when it is available!

I didn't get a chance to do all my Christmas baking before the 25th, so I've been doing some of it bit by bit ever since then, with the help of Alec.

Alec is a great eater, and Kari and Jonathan give him a great variety of fruit and vegetables, and not much sugar.  I do believe though that this was his first time having whipped cream, licked straight off the beaters.  I must confess, I got permission first.

As I said, he is a great eater.  He loves spinach and just gobbles it up!

He used his spoon for the longest time, then just lifted the bowl to his face and licked.  This is no joke--we found spinach in his ears!

Ahhhh!  We are having a great time and are so glad that Kari, Jonathan, and Alec are here with us for the holidays!

1 comment:

Barbara Guidetti said...

I can't tell which I like better, the contented grandparents, or spinach face! It's the grandparents! Great pictures, Thanks!