Saturday, July 19, 2014

An interesting week ...

Glenn and I hosted two Journeymen for two nights and spent one day with them in town.  Betsy is fairly new to Hungary and hasn't seen much of Budapest, and Lauren is almost finished with her two year term and will be heading back to the U.S. in a couple of months.  They visited the Castle District with Glenn while I had a physical therapy appointment, and then we met up at Starbucks for a bit of refreshment before seeing the rest of the city.  :-)  

I have always loved the front side of the Parliament building, but now that they have pressure washed the back and sides, and re-landscaped the grounds, the back is as beautiful as the front!  

It sprinkled while we were there, so the ground is wet and the sky is cloudy but that just helped to keep the tourists out of my picture!  Tourists is said with a slight snicker since I'm not one...

We went across the river to see Parliament from the front and found this new memorial to the flood of 2013.  The water level rose 29 feet last summer!  Do you see the dark marble wave at the bottom right corner?  The water came up to there.

Heading over to Heroes Square, we saw this Pub bike.  It is essentially a beer bar on wheels.  There's a driver who steers the bike, and a bartender who stands in the middle and pours drinks while the 9 riders drink and peddle.  It looks like a lot of fun to me, except the beer drinking part!

Never seen this before!  A place to plug in and recharge your electric car!

We've had for at least two years now a tour bus that drives through the city and then drives into the river.  I watched an 8 minute video on Facebook today that shows these buses and how they work.  The one in the video clip is sold for personal use as a high-class camper and a boat, complete with a  16 foot dock for jumping into the water.

This picture is taken in City Park.  As you can see, they have filled the area with water.  Now, I've shown pictures before of this location, occasionally during the winter months when they have turned it into a winter wonderland!

In the winter, the area is this really huge outdoor skating rink ...

... but in the summer, it's a lake, complete with paddle boats and row boats!  One summer it was filled with sand, sun umbrellas, cafe' tables and volleyball nets!  

It is now plum season and the trees down the street are loaded with them!  Wish we had a plum tree!

Have a good week!

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