In the JFK airport in New York
I arrived in the US on Tuesday after a longggg flight from Budapest to Paris to New York to Richmond (VA). I had left my house in Budapest at 5:30 am, and arrived at the International Learning Center 20 miles outside Richmond at midnight (which was 6:00 am the next day in Budapest.) I had been traveling for 24 hours. The trip should not have taken so long except that I got caught in all the cancelled and delayed flights at JFK due to the bad weather the day before! After a 3 hour delay, we boarded our 35 seater plane in New York to go to Richmond, only to sit on the tarmac for 3 hours. IN A TINY PLANE! They finally felt sorry for us and let us unload and go back into the terminal which was very, very crowded with angry people. Once they were really ready for us, we still ended up sitting on the tarmac for another 30 minutes before we finally took off. When I got to ILC, I was rather tired but fortunately I had Wednesday to recover before the conference began on Thursday. Because most of the attendees of the conference were coming in from places all over the world, they have us come in one day early to rest up and recover from jet lag. Good idea!

International Learning Center
The conference is on MK education (MK=missionary kid). This past week we learned about testing for special needs children and were trained on how to administer the Brigance test. This next week we will discuss policies and practices in the various regions around the world that pertain to children's education on the mission field. We will share ideas with one another. Well, they will share and I will glean. I'm so new on the field that I don't really have anything to share!

Such peacefulness!
This weekend the campus is empty except for about 20 people so things are very calm and quiet. I have enjoyed the slow pace after all the traveling Glenn and I have been doing this past month. The campus is located out in the country. There are cows grazing in the fields that line the .7 mile driveway down to the entrance gate, and I have walked it every day since arriving and jogged it twice! I've got to burn some of these oreo's that I'm eating!

I want to buy something special for Glenn since he couldn't come on this trip. Do you think he would like this outfit???
I came to the US with a small (understatement) list of things I wanted to buy while here. (Please notice that I did NOT say "need".) One of the other ladies rented a car when she got into the country so we have been able to catch rides with her into Richmond to go shopping in the evenings. Karen, a friend who lives in Richmond, took me shopping on Saturday. We shopped from 10 am until 4:30 pm and I was able to finish most of my list, but the best part was eating lunch at a mexican restaurant!
Well, it's been a good week, a fun weekend, and I'm looking forward to the rest of the conference, but I am ready to go home. I will fly out of the Richmond airport on Saturday afternoon, and will arrive in Budapest on Sunday afternoon. It will be good to see Glenn again! I have missed him and our walks together. I know he has missed the cafeteria food here too. (Another understatement) While I have been gone, he has done all kinds of projects at the house and I can't wait to see the flowers he has planted in our yard! Maybe I'll put some pictures of the yard on next Sundays' blog. Bet you can't wait!
Hi Mom! Thanks for updating!
I think that outfit would look great with Dad's blue felt hat. Only that hat could top an ensemble of that caliber! :)
Love, K
Cile, I'm sure you(r legs) will be glad to learn that the ILC driveway is closer to 0.7mi in length rather than a mere .07 (123 yards), as posted ;) Bonne continuation.
Looks like fun! Enjoy the shopping for me.
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