Sunday, March 16, 2008

Pretty pathetic posting!

How I wish I were funny, eloquent and creative in my writings on this blog, but alas, that gift skipped a generation and ended up in the minds and pens of our two children, Kari and Chris. Both of them are terrific writers, albeit in two totally different forms, while I ended up with the desire to communicate what God is doing in and through us but without the words to adequately express it!

Even though I came to assist Glenn with Member Care, it might already be evident to each of you that I am happiest at the Eden House where I can use my gifts and talents to their fullest. That gift of organization as I figure out which families should go into which room and that other gift of cleanliness (right next to godliness, of course) as I have vacuumed more rooms in the past three weeks than I ever want to do again! I truly have no greater joy (besides knowing that my children walk in the truth; III John:4) than to be able to "practice hospitality" (Romans 12: 13b) to those who come for medical care, business or vacation. I have loved my ministry at the Eden House, but with the arrival of Brian and Michelle Stevens next month, once they get their feet on the ground (not literally, but figuratively), I will be stepping out of that role. God has something else in mind for me, and I will be watching with expectancy to see where He leads me next! I just want you to know how much fun I have had and how I pray that Brian and Michelle will enjoy it as much as I have!

Full house!

We are now back to "normal", whatever that is, at the Eden House and I am having time to do some other things that have been put on the back burner. Also, with the spring weather coming on, I have been able to get back to walking on a regular basis, which always helps my frame of mind!

Speaking of walking... did you know that many women in Europe suffer from depression due to a lack of vitamin D. In America, we get vitamin D from our milk that is "vitamin A & D enriched" and from sunshine. Well, here in Europe the milk is not enriched with D, nor does the sun shine much in the winter months. Now, what does that have to do with walking? Bear with me...One of the recommended prescriptions for dealing with depression here in Europe is to get outside and walk for an hour a day, preferably with your face uncovered so you can absorb that much more vitamin D! And from what I read, you absorb it through your eyes!

Walking uphill always lifts my spirits as we look out over the city!

Anyway, I think I have always suffered from Seasonal Affect(ive) Disorder to some degree due to lack of enough sunlight (except when we were in Africa!) during the winters, so now that the weather is turning warmer and the days are getting longer, Glenn and I are getting out more and enjoying the long walks that help so much!

Imported from Austria-Coke Zero!

And if the beautiful weather wasn't enough to bring a smile to my face, the arrival of Coke Zero sure did! I found it for the first time this past Friday at a local mall in a fruit and vegetable store!!! So far this is the only place I've seen it, but that could mean it is on its way in the country! This same store also sold Dr. Pepper for an arm and a leg ($2.51 for a half-liter!) The Coke Zero was $1.25 for .33 liter.

Better go get some more before the hoarders get it all!

Have a great week, and thank God for the sunshine in your life!


Stephen and Beth Borders said...

Great post! The sun is starting to shine here again today, (after the tornados). My children are certainly happier in the sun!! Have a nice week!

Senegal Daily said...

Walking uphill, Cile. (Always)very good. I approve ;)