Glenn's walking/jogging partner, Istvan (Steve) went to church with us this morning and we had already invited a young man, Andras (Andrew) from the church to come to lunch at our house today, so we had the two of them at our house for an American meal. It was really fun, and very informative to Glenn and me about Hungarian culture and history. Next time Andras comes, he wants Mexican food! We are trying to make more Hungarian friends!
Strawberry season
We are beginning to see fruit stands popping up all over. Evidently cherry trees produce in abundance every other year and this is the off year! Last year our tree was laden with plump, delicious cherries but this year we have less than a bucket full. Now that I know this, next year I will freeze more to last through 2 years. On the other hand, the apple tree we bought last spring that produced 12 Golden Delicious apples last August has over 30 small apples this year! Double delicious!
Karen and Lauren
Friends from Prague came down for a day or two, and we enjoyed a night out at Pizza Hut. It's interesting to me to learn what restaurants are and aren't available in everybody's country and to hear which ones they want to eat at during their time here in Budapest. We have McDonald's, Burger King, Pizza Hut, Kentucky Fried Chicken, Subway, and TGIFriday. Pizza Hut is probably my favorite, but I eat at McDonald's most often because they are the most convenient.
The Bridges
Earlier this week we had guests at the Eden House that we have distant ties with and we didn't even know it until we got to talking with them! When we told them we were from Marietta, Ken mentioned that his uncle used to live in Marietta. It turns out his uncle was a member of the church that Glenn grew up in (Marietta First Baptist Church) and we know Ken's relatives well. Neat, eh?
Hope your week is a great one!
Happy belated birthday, Cile! Adam and I were sweating our way through Cub Scout camp last week, and while I sang "Happy Birthday" in my mind, I wasn't spending much time on the computer. I hope your day was just as special as you are!
Pam and Adam
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