Back in September we got an email from a friend in Marietta who goes to our home church and works for the police department. David wrote that one of his co-workers was moving to Budapest with his family, and would we please contact them to tell them about life in Budapest. Well, we've been corresponding with this family for several months and they are now here, living about 15 minutes away from us! We had Joe and Deana and their 4 children over for a Southern meal (fried chicken, green beans, buttered potatoes, homemade applesauce (we can't buy applesauce here!), croissant dinner rolls and cake (mix from America!). We had a great time with them and hope that we can get to know them better.
As we were walking them to the bus stop, I realized I had forgotten to take a picture of them but didn't have time to run back to the house to get my camera before the bus was due to arrive! Maybe next time!
Worship in English!
This weekend we had Eden House coverage. We do this once a month to give the Stevens a break from their job. (They live at the Eden House and are on-call 24/7 except on their 2 weekends off each month.) There were 4 families that arrived over the weekend so I went up there to welcome them, show them their rooms and get them settled. One of the guests, Mary Ellen, went with us to church this morning, but instead of going to our Hungarian Baptist church, we took her to the International Baptist Church of Budapest for worship in English. This is one of the services we provide to Eden House guests since so many of them come from areas where they never get to worship in English.
Well, it is Sunday afternoon and Glenn is upstairs napping. (Sundays are the best day for naps, aren't they?) Glenn is preaching tonight at the Eden House while the Doyles are on vacation. I am doing laundry in preparation for our trip on Tuesday to the U.S. for the Member Care conference. The suitcases are pulled out, but that is about it!
Please pray for our time at the conference in Indiana and the other participants that we will meet. Pray that we learn a lot, and that we develop friendships with others who are doing Member Care around the world. And then, before saying "Amen", please pray for our short time in Tennessee and Georgia with our families. It will be really nice to see them again.
Preaching tonight, eh? Let's see if I can remember how it goes...
"Bonjour à toutes et a tous. Un jour j'avais mal au doigt - mais vraiment, vraiment mal quoi..." :)
Love, K
I still remember when Glenn spoke at WCBC (as it was known back then) and he spoke on Gideon. It was a wonderful lesson, and he delivered it well. I know the people at Eden House will be blessed tonight. We're looking forward to seeing you very soon!
Praying for a safe and wonderful trip. Hope you will blog while you are in the States.
Cile! I emailed you earlier and got the autoreply message that you're out of the country... until...
1/1/70!!!! I did not know that you'd learned how to go back in time.. that is waaaaay cool. Adam will be VERY impressed!
See you Sunday (and will I be 10 years old when I see you?)
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