Sunday, September 12, 2010

New "LATE" Record!

Friends and Family,
I apologize for my lateness in updating my blog. I have no excuse other than, "I'm in America and there is so much catching up to do!" We arrived in Marietta, Georgia on August 28 and have been going non-stop since we landed.

We are going to Panama City for a week, leaving tomorrow and returning on Sunday. Kari and Jonathan are going with us, as are Glenn's parents, Bill and Marguerite Borders. Marguerite turns 90 years old on Friday. What better way is there to celebrate a birthday than at the beach???

I promise I will update while at the beach.


Pam D said...

Cile, I have been SO bad at even commenting over here, much less emailing and snail-mailing (and care-packaging... where did I go wrong???). But oh my ... we MUST get in touch once you get back from PCB! Of course, the next week is fall break, so we'll be ou of town for a few days (most likely), but still... we have to work out some lunches. And some walks... where are you staying? Get in touch with me when you can... I know you have my email address, so let's get together!

Janey said...

So HaPpY to see you back on line!!!

I tried to be really patient ;-) and it sounds like (via Kari's blog) that you are well and trying your hand errr mouth at coffee. I am totally like you, I like a dash of coffee with my milk and syrup. Baristas always ask if I really want a single shot in a Venti cup. I just acquired this taste a few years ago and that is as far as I have gotten. I am totally a tea drinker with honey and occassionally a splash of half and half.

I hope you have a lovely time at the beach, sounds like a fabulous group to go with. Don't worry about us blog people we can wait for after your break, enjoy your time!

Kate Borders said...

Somehow...I missed this piece of information. So glad you are getting some time at the beach - enjoy!! Do lots of relaxing and enjoying time together. The blog will be there later if you don't get to it while you're gone :)

Miss you all - can't wait to see you in less than a month!!!