Sunday, May 20, 2007

!sdrawkcab era serutciP

I've been doing this blog thing for almost a year now and I still occasionally forget to upload my pictures in reverse order. Rats! Lest you think the title of today's entry is in Hungarian, it's not, and if you're lysdexic, I mean, dyslexic, you will be able to read it and know that my pictures are backwards; instead of starting with last Sunday and going through the week, they are from today to last Sunday. Sorry!

Budafok Baptist Church

Thought you might like to see what our church looks like on the inside. Pretty much like an American church! Our worship services are like worship services in America except once every month we have testimony time where about 4-5 people will share what God has been saying to them or doing in their life recently, and we have a time of prayer where we gather to pray in groups of 2-3. Our music is caught in a time warp as we sing out of hymnals with pages yellowed with age and another song book of more "modern" American tunes translated into Hungarian from the 70's & 80's. (You know, songs like "It Only Takes a Spark" and "Majesty".)

One RED cherry on our tree

One thing I really enjoy is walking through the neighborhood and looking at all the flowers and fruit trees in everyone's yards. Almost everyone has at least one fruit or nut tree! We see apples, peaches, walnuts, almonds, cherries (sweet and sour), and fig trees everywhere. The sweet cherries are in right now. Our cherry tree is a sour cherry and they will be ripe in a few more weeks. This picture is of the only red cherry on our whole tree! I talked Glenn into buying my birthday present earlyand getting it into the ground asap: a Golden Delicious apple tree with 15 tiny apples. They should be ripe and ready for picking when my Dad comes out this fall!

Hannah, Cody and Ryan

We did something we haven't done in a few years this past week! We kept 3 children overnight so their parents could go to Vienna for a little R & R. Hannah is 5, Cody is 3 and Ryan is 1 1/2. We had a great time and the kids were wonderful, but I don't miss those days of not getting anything else done and the house being a wreck!

Glenn occupies the kids while I cook.

Cile talking with Kari and Jonathan on Mother's Day

Glenn talks with his mother on Mother's Day

I told you the "Pictures are backward!"

This week we will be having several folks over for meals that are here in Budapest for medical reasons, and on Friday Glenn and I will take our first language test (oral) to see how we are doing. They told us we would have about 10 minutes with the "testor" in which we will converse so that she can determine our level. I think we will only need about 3 minutes and I can tell her I'm in the lowest level. Anyway, we would appreciate your prayers on Thursday. (If you pray for us on Friday, we will already be finished with the test before you even start your prayer time!)

As the summer shapes up, it appears Glenn and I will not be lonesome. My Aunt Billie is coming through Budapest in June on her trip through Europe. Two of Kari's friends (one from middle school and one from college) are coming, and we hope to get to see both of them too. Kari and Jonathan are coming back. My sister Karin and her family are coming for a week in July. Also, a volunteer counselor who helps us at our annual general meetings is coming with his wife to Budapest and will be staying with us for a few days. It should be a great summer!!!

Glenn and I head to Prague (Czech Republic) next Monday for a few days of meetings and then June 23-30 we will be in Greece for a meeting. In mid-July our co-workers here in Budapest that run the guesthouse ministry will be going to the US for their 6 month stateside assignment (now called "stas", formerly known as "furlough") so please pray that God would provide someone to run the ministry in their absence (other than us!).

As I close, I want to wish my sister Karin a happy birthday. She turns "negyvenkilenc" on May 26th. Boldog szuletesnap, Karin!