Sunday, February 17, 2008

Let's Play a Game!

This has been one of those rare weekends when we didn't really have anything we had to do. I've been fussing at Glenn about needing to "do" something on our day off and so he suggested we go ice skating in town, either at the huge outdoor place in City Park next to the Danube River or at the indoor place in Westend Mall. Well, it has been soooo cold here, down in the low 20's, that I nixed the outdoor place. Brrrr! And then Glenn suggested we go instead when Kari and Jonathan come, so we didn't end up going after all. So what did we do on our day off?

Glenn paints over Hannah and Cody's footprints

We decided to do all those odd jobs that we've not had time to do for the past 6 months! We wiped out all the kitchen cabinets, touched up with paint all the places we dinged when moving furniture into the house, cleaned the basement (takes about 20 minutes; there's not a lot in it!), hemmed curtains in the office, hung a shelf above our bed, made homemade chili and I gave Glenn a haircut. We got everything done on our checklist!

Cile relaxes with Solitaire

Glenn relaxes with a bowl of popcorn and his computer

Glenn and I have discovered a recipe for kettle korn. You know, sweet popcorn, but not as sweet as caramel popcorn. On Saturday, I made two big bowls of it, and we ate every kernel of it! I'm having a little trouble keeping the sugar from scorching, so I'll have to keep working on it until I get it down just right! Any tips out there? (And no, we can't buy kettle korn microwave popcorn here. I looked!)

This Sunday was our first worship service in English at the Eden House! There are several other IMB couples here in Budapest who are in the same "boat" as Glenn and me, in that we don't speak Hungarian. We go to a Hungarian Baptist church in the morning, but we don't understand most of what is said, and so we, like the others who work in English, really miss and crave good, ol' American style worship! A bunch of us decided to get together up at the Eden House on Sunday evenings for worship.

Robert led us in worship in song and then Alvin did a children's sermon for the 4 children, and then he actually preached a message for us from the book of John. It was great! Then, like true Baptists, we had a time of food (kettle korn, of course!) and fellowship! It was a blessing to worship in English, hear a great message (Alvin pastored in the U.S. before coming overseas), and pray with other believers! Great way to start week!

And, believe it or not, we have NO ONE in the Eden House this whole week until Saturday! Kari and Jonathan (who passed his Boards on Friday and will begin working in the clinic in France) arrive on Friday for a short visit. Unfortunately, the Eden House will have lots of folks coming and going while K & J are with us so I will still have to work, but at least I will have help!

We will be going to Prague on Tuesday and returning on Thursday. Glenn has a meeting up there on Wednesday. Fast trip. Be back just in time to clean the house before Kari and Jonathan arrive!!!

Hope your week is great!

PS-Dad, I'm really sorry I couldn't be there this weekend to help you move! You know how much I would have enjoyed it!!!! Hope everything made it safely. Sure missed seeing everyone that came to help!


Unknown said...

So glad that you got some odd projects done and got some time to relax. A day that ends with popcorn is always a good day for me :) are you making your kettle corn?? Can you get grape seed oil in Hungry? A friend of mine discovered it - I believe it makes the yummiest on the stove popcorn of any oil - and it's an oil that is "good for you".

I have lots of pictures from the moving weekend. Today is busy getting back to work, but hopefully I'll post them tonight or tomorrow..we really had a lot of fun and got a lot done!!

Looking forward to hearing about Prague and your time with K & J!!

Love you,

Pam D said...

Hmmmm.... methinks that a certain lovely female offspring may be having fun with this blog??? I love the new look AND the new name. And, should you decide to start your own business with that huge pot, your website's already set up and ready to go!
We prayed for you in class today, and I hope that you'll have some little visitors dropping in to check on you via the blog.
Hugs...prayers... and much love!