Tuesday, August 11, 2009

She's occupied right now...

Blogger in chief...and in absentia

I know you came here to read Cile's blog. You wanted to know what Cile's been up to - and maybe even her sidekick Glenn. Well folks, the hard truth is that Cile won't be updating this week. Don't get me wrong. She cares about you blog readers and wants to keep you updated, but she's occupied at the moment.

Glenn and Cile in Germany

Notice I said 'occupied' but not 'busy'. She's actually laying on the futon bed with her eyes closed getting an osteopathic manipulative treatment from her son-in-law, Jonathan. He and his wife (that's me!) arrived yesterday from France. After dinner I started to wash dishes, but Mom offered me a trade: I update the blog, she does the dishes. Deal. But then Jonathan offered to work on her back and neck so Dad took over the dishes.

Us (that's Jonathan and Kari) arriving in Budapest

Count 'em: that's 1 person doing dishes, 1 person updating her blog, 1 person treating her back pain. Three people loving on Mom right now. So you can understand why blogging's not her top priority at the moment.

So what can I tell you about this past week in the life of Cile? I looked through the pictures on her camera and saw that at the AGM in Germany she spent time with friends, saw beautiful scenery, and also got to see these cool people:

Jesse and Julie!

And Renae!

Renae, say cheese!

What's that? You said you want to come visit Uncle Jonathan and Aunt Kari?

So that's a short update from me (Kari) to tide you over until the real Blogger in chief returns. Have a great week!


The Massons said...

she got some great pictures of renae! renae says hi to her "coke" grandma :)

Pam D said...

Oh my. Renae is TOOO cute with that wrinkled nose! And I am SO glad to hear that Cile is finally getting the royal treatment that she deserves. Keep it up, slaves..uh, I mean loyal servants!

Wendi Reger said...

Kari you can be substitute blogger any time as long as the LP is part of the blog.

Sharanya said...

Renae just gets cuter and cuter with every picture, I mean it. ANd it's so...nice to see you here, Kari, coz I just read your post there and I come here thinking your mum will write about how you're keeping her busy, and it's so...awesome to run into you writing for her :D :D

J'adore votre/vos famille(s)!!