Sunday, May 02, 2010

A Horrible Winter Means...

a beautiful spring, we hope! The winter was long, long, long, and a good bit colder than previous winters. Certainly more snow than we've ever had before! We won't have any apricots this year because a late frost got all the blooms, but the apples, cherry and pear trees all seem to be doing beautifully.

This gorgeous Lilac bush is at the front corner of our yard. Our house sits on a corner, Komaromi ut (Komaromi Street) passes in front of our house and Heja utca (Heja Road) passes along the side of our yard. Our first year here I never even noticed our Lilac bush since it is outside our fence and the straw mats woven into the fence blocked the view of it. Last year I found out we had one, but it was after the bush had already bloomed. This year I am enjoying the blooms with fresh bouquets in my house for several weeks!

Even though the flowers are starting to bloom, the sun is not out a lot. Most days it is overcast. Saturday, Glenn and I worked out in the yard for 6-7 hours (yes, I'm feeling it today!) and neither one of us even got the slightest bit pink from the sun. Too cloudy.

It's been a calm week as Glenn and I quarantined ourselves from the stomach bug we caught last week. We worked on emails, and didn't even leave the house until Thursday, and that was to go get some groceries! Since there isn't a lot to tell you about in our life this week, let me share with you something from our local "superstore", Tesco.

I always get amazed at the American products that we can buy here, and the "randomness" of them all! Why do some companies come to Hungary and others don't? Why can we buy Lays potato chips in an assortment of flavors, but we can't get Fritos by Frito Lay? There are tons of other brands of potato chips, but nothing here that is equivalent to corn chips!

By the way, the Mabelline Mascara in the familiar green and pink tube is 1,399 Hungarian forints (HUF), which is equal to $6.93 (USD). I think these sell for about $3.99 at Walmart, don't they?

Freeman's facial products are some of my favorites in America, especially the facial scrub. However, I try to stock up on it when in the U.S. because a tube is $7.75 here whereas in America, the last time I bought Freeman's, it was about $3.50. Of course, it's now been 3 1/2 years since I last bought any and the price has probably gone up some.

I get a little excited when I see an American product with English on the front label, but then my excitement is squelched when I turn the package over and there on the back where the directions are, there is this white label that has been totally pasted over the English and everything is written in Hungarian. There is NO WAY to get that label off to be able to read what was under it. That's the best adhesive money can buy, for sure! Sometimes there isn't a white label; then I really get excited! That is ... until I turn the package or box over and notice that only the front was written in English and the back, sides and everything inside the box is written in Hungarian! The worst is hair dye! (Not that I use it, of course!!!)

And this just cracks me up. Why do they put the words in English on products that are produced here in Hungary and sold exclusively here? On one side of the box of milk it says Tej, and on the other side it says Milk. Honestly, in 10 years, everyone in Hungary is going to be speaking English whether they want to or not!

I told you this was a calm week. Glenn and I are here all this week so hopefully I will get caught up in emails and get in a bike ride with my hubby. Glenn is getting ready to go on a 3 day bike ride with a co-worker and his son, and he needs to build up his endurance. While Glenn goes bike riding/camping, I'm going pottery shopping (in Poland) with the guys' wife! More on that to come!

Have a great week!


Pam D said...

Polish pottery pondering... wonderful! And Glenn has become quite the biker/camper guy, hasn't he? Adam and I slept in a tent on the screen porch last night (on an air mattress, no less). I had to walk a few extra steps to get to a bathroom, and there was no A/C. Does that count as roughing it? Love the lilac bush; do the blooms smell divine? As far as extreme weather goes, we had the 500 yr flood here last September, and now the same type of flooding is occuring in my hometown of Nashville. Lots of "firsts" for lots of folks; things that have never occured in any living person's lifetime. Seems as if the earth has tilted a wee bit on its axis or something.
Have fun in Poland, and don't work too hard! hugs....

Helen said...

Glad you both are feeling better! Stomach bugs are so awful and getting them when you are away from home makes it all the more terrible.
The lilac bush is beautiful! Someone told us once that we have one but I have yet to see it bloom so I can't tell which it is. The wet fall and winter has really made our blooms more plentiful around here, the two Rhododendrons that flank our front entrance have really outdone themselves this year and there are lots of buds on the lone rose bush. I hope there will be some open blossoms on Mother's Day.
Hope you have a great trip for pottery! I always look forward to your posts and the many pictures that you include. What a great way to document your time living in other places!
Love to you both.

Senegal Daily said...

I feel your pain on the lack of Fritos. :) Great post, Mom.

Glad you guys are feeling better. Enjoy your pottery trip!

Janey said...

Lovely two posts - I got behind and had to catch up!

Love the lilacs, staying at home and gardening, bike riding plans and getting to "see" Macedonia. Thank you for the vacarious little journey into you life and travels!

Unknown said...

Maybe Great Lash used to be $3.99 at Wal-mart, but I don't think it is anymore. I would say it's probably $4.99 or maybe even $5.99 - so yours isn't that more expensive :)

Lilacs are my favorite!!! There are a number around here and I just want shove my face into them - I love the smell. We'll have to come visit you in Spring sometime so I can enjoy the bush with you :)

We have done a lot of gardening around here as well (I know - I need to post pictures) and my legs are feeling it too!

Glad you're feeling better.