Sunday, April 03, 2011

Sweet, Sweet Home!

It is so good to be home! During the month of March, we only slept in our own bed a total of 6 nights so I am ready to be here for a while. I usually love to go, go, go, but after having been gone, gone, gone 5 out of the 8 weeks we've been back, I am ready to stay, stay, stay!

This has been a wonderful week. Each time we travel for any length of time, we have to give away, throw out or freeze any leftovers, dairy products, fruits and fresh vegetables. Since we were out of town for the past month, we didn't have anything in our refrigerator so after making a massive trip to Tesco and Auchan, our cubbards are finally full once again.

The yard is another thing that has demanded some of our time this past week. Basically, the last time we tended to it was just before we left for the States the end of August so it was in great need of some TLC! (tender, loving care) Now that the sun is shining and all the trees are budding, the weeds are cropping up everywhere! We made a trip to the plant nursery to buy some flowers to put in the ground to add some color to our yard, and everything looks so pretty now!

The only big news for this past week was the arrival of our crate from America. It arrived on Thursday-in excellent condition!

For the most part, we packed our clothes, books, decorations, favorite food items, tools, games, candles, another electric ice cream machine (thanks to Anne Q!), DVD's, dishes (including some Polish pottery), fabric, etc. in footlockers, plastic tubs and boxes. All in all, we had 62 cubic feet of goods that was shipped by boat in a large cardboard box (you can see it in the background against the front wall inside the truck).

I have to tell you something. A lot of time Americans get frustrated with the way things run (or don't run) overseas and since absence makes the heart grow fonder, we (Americans) tend to think no country is as good as the U.S.. Well, the shipping company that was to deliver our crate had said they would arrive on Thursday at 3:30 pm. Now, in America, the best we could have hoped for would have been a 2-3 hour window for the delivery, but here they said 3:30. Not between 3:30-4:00 pm even. Well, at 3:15 pm we got a call from the shipping company to let us know they were caught in traffic and would be 15 minutes late! Can you believe it??? As it turned out, they were only 5 minutes late, having arrived at 3:35 pm!!!

Would that have happened in America anywhere?

This is a top view of our worldly goods that arrived.

One of the first things I unpacked was a 92 oz. container of Orville Redenbacher popcorn from a special friend of mine. Glenn and I try to eat our main meal at lunch and snack on popcorn or omlettes at night. Even though we eat a lot of popcorn, it will probably take us a year to polish off this jug!!

While we were unpacking the footlockers down in the basement, I was talking with Kari on Skype. While I was talking with her, Glenn was hard at work opening all the boxes and footlockers and taking out his things, putting them away as he pulled them out.

Me? I got caught up in showing Kari everything as I pulled it out. Here I am showing her my coveted 64 oz. bottle of Ghirardelli White Chocolate syrup! It's my sister Karin's "fault" that I brought this back with me. Karin got me hooked on Starbuck's White Chocolate Mochas while I was in the States. Each time she came to town to visit, she treated me and that's what got me hooked on "coffee". I've already opened the bottle and enjoyed 2 cups of coffee.

Not a lot planned for this week-at least not worth writing about! I'll be busy working on education emails and making a few member care Skype calls during the day, and in the evening I'll work on a few house projects now that our crate has arrived.

We have a list of 10 projects that we'll be working on bit by bit this week. Things like hang our new family pictures, alphabetize our new DVD's into the old ones, paint the wall going up the stairs, take my new fabric to Judit so that she can make me a duvet, bedskirt and matching curtains for the guest bedroom, find room for all the new books we brought back with us (for personal enjoyment and for my work as education consultant for Europe). Ah! But it is sooo good to be home to be able to take care of things things finally!


Senegal Daily said...

Is that two cups of coffee or two cups of "coffee"? ;)

So glad your stuff made it in such good shape and time! Enjoy your time at home.

Barbara Guidetti said...

Welcome home Glenn and Cile. Glad your crate arrived. You look wonderful! Can't wait to see you this summer. Baby Borders and Baby Masson both appear to be growing 'quite nicely'!!!