Monday, January 28, 2013

It's still cold & snowing!

Glenn spent one afternoon re-stacking firewood that was dropped off in our carport.  It couldn't wait because it was smack-dab in the middle where we park our car!  While Glenn was getting great exercise by stacking firewood, I was downstairs be-bopping to a Leslie Sansone's Walking Away the Pounds fitness DVD (wonderful gift from my friend, Pam).  

On Wednesday evening, Glenn packed us a "snack" bag for our  2 1/2 hour train ride to Vienna, Austria on Thursday morning.  I had to laugh!  Let's see, a bag of dried apricots, a bag of almonds, 2 packages of peanut butter crackers, 2 granola bars, a Snickers bar, a bag of cashews, and half a bar of white chocolate with blueberries.  How long would we have to travel to consume all of that?   He's funny like that, but at least I don't ever have to worry about getting hungry.

So, Thursday we headed to Vienna for the day.   It was a cold, snowy day with clouds that looked like they could drop a foot of snow at any time.   At our train station in Budapest, we have covered platforms that keep the snow and ice at bay, but not here at the Tatabanya station!  Where does one sit to wait when the snow is piled up in front of the benches???

How's this for the name of a town?  Mosonmagyarovar!  Six syllables.  A mouth full.

We visited with some friends but got to see some sights as we were passing by.  According to Wiki, this is the Stephansdom, Vienna's cathedrale, the most prominent building in the city, and one of the tallest churches in the world.

And this is one of the 4 UNITED NATIONS buildings.  The other 3 are located in New York City, Nairobi, and Geneva.  This is where the international organization facilitates cooperation in international law, economic security, social progress, international security, human rights, and the achievement of world peace. (Straight out of Wiki ... )  

On our train ride home that evening, we stopped for a sandwich-to-go to eat on the ride.  Vienna Schnitzel on a bun!  The schnitzel pattie was 2-3 times the size of the bun.  It was pretty good, though a little greasy.

Sunday, we had two young ladies, Natalie and Jana, over for lunch after church.  After after a healthy lunch of oven baked chicken, boiled potatoes, squash w/ onions, we had a dessert of fruit smoothies.  I'm getting to be quite the Smoothie Queen!  At least until summer comes, and then I'll become the ice cream queen again!

What is better on a Sunday evening than popcorn and a movie with friends?  Nothing!  Glenn popped us some of his famous on-the-stove popcorn to go with our movie of the weekend, Alex and Emma.   The popcorn was a gift from my dear friend, Kristin, and the popcorn salt came from my sister, Karin.  A good ending to a good week!


Senegal Daily said...

Looking good, Mom!

giaonhan247 said...

Thanks for sharing, nice post! Post really provice useful information!

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