Sunday, January 20, 2008

Bill and Bob the Builders!

Happy birthday to you, happy birthday to you, happy birthday dear Kristie, happy birthday to you!

l to r-Kristie, Karen, Elaine, and Annette

The ladies of Budapest (no, not that kind!) kidnapped Kristie and celebrated her 36th birthday with a dinner at our favorite Chinese restaurant and then came back to our house for cake/ice cream. You might notice some new faces below. On the bottom right is Annette who is the business facilitator for the Central Europe field. The other lady on the right with the short hair is Elaine. Her husband is the business treasurer for the Central Europe field. Both these ladies arrived in the fall and are becoming part of our enlarged family.

Glenn and I have spent most of this week up at the Eden House taking care of our personnel and doing some last minute decorating, repairs and remodeling before our volunteers, the Rhoads, and our ISC couple, the Stevens, arrive.

Thursday evening we fixed two huge pots of Hungarian soup (Gulyasleves) for the guests at the Eden House because there was a full house and a good excuse for a PARTY! It was a great time of fellowship.

And while the soup was simmering all afternoon, Glenn and Paul knocked out a wall in the basement apartment to enlarge the bedroom. What a mess!

Bob the Builder

Bill, the Builders' Buddy

When our son, Chris, was younger, I used to judge how much fun he'd had during the day based on how dirty he got. The dirtier he was, the more fun! Well, if I use that same standard with Bob and Bill, they had a blast!

The wall is out, the door moved to a different location, sound insulation put in the ceiling and the room painted. Whew! What a busy few days! We're almost ready for the Rhoads and Stevens!

Glenn and I head to Prague (Czech Republic) on Thursday for a week. This is another Ebenezer, which is for new missionaries that have been on the field for about a week. It is a time of fellowship, revival, and introspection into how the first year has gone. This is "our" Ebenezer, but unfortunately, we will have to work this one too as counselors. Who is going to counsel us???


Unknown said...

I thought you weren't supposed to have to "work" at this Ebenezer?? They obviously think you are very valuable and doing and great job (and they are right) but...your question of who is going to counsel you is right!! You're in a tough position and they just better be careful that they don't burn you out! (Do I sound defensive, I'm feeling a little defensive.) I hope and pray that even though you'll be counseling (which I know you love to do, but it's tiring) that the trip is restful for you and that the Lord provides people for you all to talk with that can listen and let you process all that you've been through this last year.

We love you lots,
Kate & Chris

Jeff and Amy Williams said...

Looking forward to seeing you guys in Prague in just a few days! Jeff and I can counsel you- well, at least we can listen! :)
Amy and Jeff

Bran said...

Wow!!! The Eden House is looking GREAT!!! Wish we could see it in person!