Sunday, May 18, 2008

Alles gut!

This week Glenn and I were on the road a good bit; some for work and some for play!

We didn't want to go "hungary".

Monday we packed our suitcase and fixed a meal for the road. (After living in Africa and needing to be prepared in case of any emergency, I fixed us a BIG dinner box to go. We were going to be traveling for about 12 hours.)

Kelenfold train station in Budapest

We left Monday at noon and rode the train for a long while. We had the idea that we would work on the train until our computer batteries ran out, but we never even unzipped the computer bags! We talked and talked and talked. I think we finally got caught up on news that had happened over the past couple of weeks!

Then after the train ride, we caught a bus that took us "upcountry" where we were going to be visiting with some of our folks. The bus ride was rather nerve-wracking as the roads were mountainous and curvy! The bus driver was evidently in a hurry because he kept trying to pass! (At night, drivers in this country flip on their bright lights before they go around a curve to let oncoming cars know they are there. If our bus driver didn't see headlights, he would pass on a curve!!) We arrived about midnight, a little disheveled and tense, but not hungry!

Out of respect for the folks we were visiting, I can't tell you where we went, but I can tell you that it is one of the most beautiful countries I've ever seen. Lots of rolling hills and small mountains everywhere!

Nestled in between the green mountains were quaint little towns

Squatty potty in the train station

It's a good thing we learned at orientation in Virginia how to use these!!

Anyway, we had a great visit in this little town and hope to go back again one day as a tourist!

On Saturday, our Member Care team loaded into the van and headed for Vienna, Austria for a day of "team building". We weren't supposed to talk business, but it was an opportunity to get to know each other in a relaxed atmosphere so that we could learn to work together as a "team". (That sounds much better than "we took a day off and headed for Austria for some sightseeing, Starbucks, croissants and sausage links", doesn't it?)

Notice the green growing OVER the bridge?

It is my understanding that when the interstate was being built in Austria, they wanted to put it right through the middle of land owners' farms. As a compromise, they built bridges on which the farmers could still continue to grow things, and could drive across in their tractors to get to the other side! Ingenious, I think!

St. Stephens Church (Basillica?)

We spent the day sightseeing like all the other thousands and thousands of tourists!

Inside St. Stephens

Pedestrian walkway

Men in costumes, hawking concert tickets

And it's not even full-blown tourist season yet!

Vienna, home of Mozart

BACK of Schonbrunn Castle

Awww! Don't we look cute?

The Schonbrunn Castle was the centerpiece of the Austro-Hungarian empire and is quite a place to see! On the castle grounds is the oldest zoo in the world, a labyrinth, maze, swimming pool, playgrounds, many, many flower gardens, water fountains, and several miles of walking paths.

Alvin chooses a perfect spot to take a break!

Famous ferris wheel made of box cars!

There is a huge amusement park in town with rides I've never heard of before! The ferris wheel is the largest I've ever seen; so large that I would not even ride it! Glenn doesn't like to go 'round and 'round, and I don't like heights, so we don't ride much!!

Some strange sights!

We had a great day just walking around, watching the people and enjoying being with one another. God has given us wonderful teammates, and we consider ourselves truly blessed to know and work with them!

Tired but happy

After "eating on the street" at one of the local sausage dog stands, Mary and Alvin got something at Starbucks before we headed for home. It takes about 2 hours to drive from Vienna to Budapest if you are able to drive straight through, but we always have to stop. After a long day of walking and talking, the ride back to Budapest was much quieter than the ride to Vienna! We were tired but had a great day together! Thanks again, God, for giving us a great team to work with!

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