Monday, March 11, 2013

I love Budapest!

I love Budapest.  What's not to love?  It's a beautiful city with great places to walk and interesting things to see and do, and oh, the history here!  Not that I particularly love history, but for others, I know they love it.  :-)

Glenn is in the U.S. for one more week so I'm still on my own and keeping busy so that I won't be lonely.

Judit and I came into town on Thursday for her to do some fabric shopping.  Even though it was overcast and cool, it was nice to be able to spend some time together and walk around.

Friday evening I went with Janet to the Teto Galleria to see an art exhibition of a sister of a friend of hers.  It was a cultural experience for us, so in that respect it was fun.  It started at 5:00 pm.  We thought that meant that was when the doors opened, but it must've meant that you come early and peruse the art works, and then at 5:00 pm sharp they start the program with various people talking about the artist and her life.  Her artwork was actually very good and we enjoyed the experience!

After the art show Janet and I went to Johnny's Bistro, a new American hamburger place that opened 8 months ago.  Johnny is from California and married to a Hungarian woman, and he makes some great hamburgers!!!  My new favorite place!

Saturday, Denise finished with the language coaches meeting and spent the day and night with me before returning to Poland on Sunday morning.  Denise and I had a great time talking and walking downtown for hours on end.  It was great fun!

We walked from Gellert Hotel up Gellert Hill, down the other side, along the river to the spot across from the Parliament building for a photo op.

Then we back tracked to the Szechenyi-Chain Bridge and crossed over the Danube River to St. Stephens basilica.  We stopped for a cup of coffee, then headed up Vaci Street to stop in some of the tourist shops.

We stopped in one shop long enough to watch a young lady paint gorgeous scenes on wooden eggs.  She paints the most beautiful pictures of men and women in traditional Hungarian dress.   Then we continued on down Vaci Street to the Szabasag Bridge, crossed back over the river, and caught the tram in front of the Gellert Hotel back to our neighborhood.

Monday, when I met one of our ladies for a cup of coffee at Campona Mall, I saw they had a huge Lego display spread through-out the middle.  My favorite was the huge head of Albert Einstein, completely made of Legos!  I wish my son was able to see it.  He would have loved the 10 foot tall Darth Vader!

So, less than a week before Glenn returns.  Saturday, come quickly.

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